HIV Care & Control Program
Started in 1999
31 Districts of Karnataka

Building Human &
Social Capital

Family Centric

Employ local people to encourage ownership
Comprehensive family-centered approach towards HIV prevention, treatment, care and support programs
Contributing to the National Goal of Ending AIDS by 2030
Focusing on high risk groups
HIV Care for Positive Pregnant Women
Elimination of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis (EMTCT)
All Districts of Karnataka
- 1246185 Pregnant women counseled and tested across Karnataka
- 1166 Positive pregnant women registered. 99% of them on ART
- 1077 Spouses of positive pregnant women tested for HIV
- 933 Infants tested for Early Infant Diagnosis within 2 Months
- 520 Out of 533 exposed babies are free from HIV after
- 18-month confirmatory test
- 128 Doctors & 1621 staff sensitized to strengthen the HIV care and Health System
HIV-TB Care for Prison Inmates
HIV-TB interventions in Prison and Other Closed Settings(OCS) in Karnataka
50 Prisons and 77 OCS in Karnataka
- 99 New positive identified in prisons & OCS and 91 linkages to referrals and treatment (92%)
- 27139 Screened for TB, 19505 Screened for STI & 2285 Screened for Syphilis
- 127 Centres engaged for sensitizing prison and OCS officials and other district level stakeholders
HIV Care for High Risk Migrants
Mysuru Taluk, T Narsipura and Nanjangudu
- 11692 High risk migrants registered
- 43700 Migrants engaged through awareness sessions
- 3 HIV Positive and 182 STI cases detected through 5525 ICTC tests and STI screening
- 3 HIV Positive cases linked to Mysuru ART Center, 160 STI cases linked to Shuraksha Clinic and provided with
STI kits at field level
Blended Training for HIV Elimination
Improving the knowledge and skills for quality HIV services among health care providers
All Districts of Karnataka
- 702 Trainees completed at least one online course out of 1387 registered active trainees on LMS
- 195 Trainees from 14 districts have completed classroom training in 6 Batches

Equitable and Accessible Institutional HIV Care
Treatment & Counselling Support of PLHIVs
Forest-based tribal people with special preference to H D Kote & Saragur taluk
- 222 PLHIVs linked to ART through Integrated Care and Treatment Centre at VMH
- 333 PLHIVs served at Community Care Centre, Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences
- 5300 PLHIVs are reached through counselling support at SVYM’s CSC in Chikkodi & Athani