Let’s build a resurgent India together!

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Work in SVYM has always been demanding and has traditionally attracted people having high ideals, boundless energy, creativity, commitment and resilience. SVYM simultaneously operates across diverse development domains, from service delivery to advocacy, working with multiple stakeholders in Health, Education, Socio-Economic Empowerment, Training & Research and Environment. We are present in many districts of Karnataka.
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A purpose to serve
Our Culture
What fuels the youth movement that we are
Driven by Values
Exercising our core values of Satya, Ahimsa, Seva & Tyaga to make a honest, transparent, conducive and non hierarchical workplace
Inclusion and Diversity
Our mission to build an equitable society begins right within our office.We are committed to creating equal opportunities for people from all walks of life, regardless of their religion, gender, ethnicity, at the same time, creating local opportunities in the geographic locations we work to facilitate sustainable development
Investing in our People
Investing in building the capacity of our Employees to be leaders in their roles, and grow professionally and personally to become role models for the society.
The Youth Movement!
Collective Strength of SVYM
Work Force represented by Women
We are…
Indigenous Tribals, Rural & Urban Youth & Women, Specially Abled, People Living With HIV, Swami Vivekananda’s workers, or simply put… sons & daughters of India
“My Faith is in the Younger Generation, the Modern Generation, out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem, like Lions.”
Swami Vivekananda