Palliative Care Program
Started in 2011
Mysuru, Saragur, Hassan & Dharwad

Building Human &
Social Capital

Family Centric

Complementing Institution & Community based interventions
Creating a collaborative platform for patient centric community-based integrated model that adopts a life-span approach to management of chronically ill.
Continued Care for the chronically ill
SVYM’s Palliative Care Centre in Mysuru remodelled itself to continue serving through outpatient and home care services. Inpatient services were closed for one and a half months, but continued uninterrupted afterwards.
1886 Individuals with life limiting conditions were served with institutional and home based palliative care in 2021-22. We could reach more people despite lockdown & restrictions.
Total no. of patients availed Palliative Care Services

Key activities
450 Patients were provided Inpatient care at the Palliative Care Centre both in Mysuru & Hassan
Counselling support is constantly accessed by 2025 patients & their families
554 Families were given Care Givers training to handle Palliative Care patients
158 Patients were provided Mobility Aids & Appliances
Awareness sessions on the need and importance of Palliative Care was provided for 6200 individuals including healthcare professionals, College students & general public
A home care visit in Dharwad
Palliative Care in Dharwad
SVYM anchored Palliative Care in Dharwad with registration of 81 patients. Currently it is providing home based care for the individuals in need of Palliative Care. We are also expanding our services in Mysuru & Hassan as more and more deserving families in need of support and care are being identified.
Training SVYM teams to setup Oxygen Concentrators
SVYM teams were trained to install oxygen concentrators and monitor patient’s health using oximeter & thermometer. To ensure preparedness, Basic Life Support training given to 19 team members in Mysuru by JeevaRaksha Trust, SVYM’s joint initiative with RGUHS for emergency care training