SVYM Anveshana 2023
(5 – 6 May 2023)
About the Event:
SVYM’s Anveshana is a state level undergraduate medical quiz competition and rural health sensitisation initiative organised by Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, a development organsation working in health, education, socio-economic empowerment and environment sector. This event aims to promote shcolastic excellence and competence through healthy and fair competition and at the same time, provide an exposure to tribal culture and health care in a rural setup.
The two day event will be conducted in two locations. On Day 1, the participants will take a state level quiz to be held at SVYM’s V-LEAD Campus in Mysuru (click to see on Google Maps). On Day 2, the participants will get a unique opportunity to visit SVYM’s Rural Hospital and Community Health Programs in Saragur and H D Kote (click to see on Google Maps). Day 2 is optional for participants.
Registration Dates
From 14/04/23 to 03/05/23
Registration for the event is free
Note: Participants to make arrangements to reach Mysuru from their city/town and back.
Day 1- At V Lead, Mysuru
Day 2- Vivekananda Memorial Hospital, Saragur
Quiz Competition- Day 1
Breakfast at SVYM’s V-LEAD Campus in Mysuru
Tea break
Round 1- Preliminary Round (Written)
Announcement of results
Round 2- Final round
Top 6 teams will move to finals on stage
Price distribution and Feedback
Quiz Competition Award
Winner Rs 10,000
Runner Up Rs 7,000
Please Note: Food & Accommodation will be provided
No restrictions on number of teams allowed to participate from a college.
Quiz Format
Questions in the quiz will include all the subjects from first year to final year MBBS.
Questions will be clinically oriented, helping the students during their encounter with the actual patients, while also towards the preparation for competitive exams.
Contact Us
Dr Shankar – 8105826127
Dr Abhilash – 6361701224
Rural Health Sensitization – Day 2 (Optional)
What is it?
All of us are aware and tuned in to practice in semi-urban and urban areas. Our Rural health exposure is for a few days/weeks during our Preventive & Community Health posting during Internship. We miss out on the challenges and real-life dilemmas in healthcare delivery in a rural set-up.
This optional Saturday, SVYM would like to expose/sensitize young medicos and doctors, about the Healthcare in a rural set-up, how it functions, the numerous challenges and how You & I can take it up as an Alternate career. That vital decision may be a very fulfilling and satisfying option.
What to look forward to?
1. Start with an “Orientation breakfast” on Saturday at V-LEAD, Mysuru
2. Travel to Sargur
3. SVYM’s Development paradigm: How we “Develop Human & Social capital”
4. Our Rural health initiative – Community health, Community participation
5. Tour of Vivekananda Memorial Hospital (Secondary care facility), Sargur
6. Visit an interior Hadi/Rural Tribal hamlet and interaction with locals
7. SVYM’s Mother & Child & PwD programs – Interaction with resource persons
8. Debrief
9. Reflections by participants and start of a new beginning?
Feel free to interact with Rural Health workers, Public health stalwarts, Self-help groups and Community leaders.
Let the quest for knowledge, health and discoveries begin!
Thank You!