Join us on 15 February 2025 at
Prestige Srihari Khoday Centre for Performing Arts, Bengaluru
SVYM Swaraanubhuthi – A Musical Movement for Palliative Care
There may be an end to cure, but there’s no end to care. Through music that transcends words and turns individual empathy into community driven action, SVYM’s annual musical charitable event ‘Swaraanubhuthi’ brings us all together towards extending care beyond cure and supporting families battling serious illnesses.

Singers performing at Swaraanubhuthi

You can be part of community led palliative care too
Buy Swaraanubhuthi Tickets
The entire ticket amount goes into supporting individuals with serious illnesess through SVYM’s Palliative Care Program
Be An Event Sponsor
Corporates, Brands & Institutions can partner and join the cause as sponsors and engage the audience through their brand placement
Be a Donor
Philanthropists, foundations & individuals can extend their support to SVYM’s Palliative Care Program through donations that are eligible for tax exemption for Indian and US passport holders
Be a Volunteer
Medical Professionals, Yoga teachers, Counsellors, Retired Professionals, Writers, Photographers, Students and virtually anyone can contribute by volunteering to SVYM’s Palliative Care Program

To buy tickets, donate or partner for sponsorship for SVYM Swaraanubhuthi, contact SVYM Swaraanubhuthi Team at
Email: [email protected]
Dr Gowthami – 9916416548
Mr Sachin – 9591912391
Ms Nandini – 9591407955
SVYM’s Palliative Care Program
Individuals served through free of cost palliative care through institutional and home based palliative care by SVYM so far.
6 Centres
Started in 2009, the Palliative Care Program has expanded to 6 centres in Mysuru, Saragur, Hassan, Bengaluru, Madikeri and Dharwad in collaboration with like minded institutions.
Holistic Care
Through institutional and home based palliative care, serving families with medical, psychological, social, financial and spiritual support
INR 16,500
Yearly cost incurred by Palliative Care Program towards serving an individual with palliative care

Support individuals with life limiting conditions
SVYM’s Palliative care is a holistic approach focusing on reducing the suffering and relief from pain. The goal of Palliative Care is to improve the quality of life for patients and families. The need of palliative care is essential in management of chronic diseases as they are incurable and result in physical, psychological, socio-economic strain to individuals and their families. Pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms at the end of life: No human being wants to go through suffering and pain at the end of life. Palliative Care is about providing care, support and treatment to ensure dignified death of the patient.