Support the education of children from indigenous tribes
Support full time residential education of children from indigenous tribal communities in H D Kote at our Viveka Tribal Centre for Learning
Join the little BIG builders of our Nation
Happy Independence Day!
Swami Vivekananda said “My Faith is in the Younger Generation, the Modern Generation, out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem, like Lions.”
At Viveka Tribal Centre for Learning, our residential school educating 516 young children from indigenous tribal families, we often see what he really meant.
VTCL Girls are breaking the stereotypes associated with tribal girls taking up technical streams by becoming the very first generation in their families to continue education in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM).
Join our campaign to support the education
of 20 girls students from VTCL for 1 year
Sponsor education of a girl student (Education cost per student per year – INR 46,000)
Stories of the little BIG builders
of our Nation
Story of Rangaswamy
My faith is in the younger generation, they will work out the whole problem
In 10th standard, Rangaswamy’s interest in ‘Introduction to Basic Technology’ course turned him into a little big builder. After learning about electrical circuits, he installed 90 LED bulb connections in the VTCL school building.
Come and join him in illuminating the path made of Little Steps leading to Big Dreams of building his life, his family, community and his Nation.
Story of Ananya
Aspirations sprout under Bandipur Forest Canopy
Ananya misses her elder sister Sinchana. After getting selected for higher education in a technical stream in Nettur Technical Training Foundation, Sinchana had to move to Bengaluru, leaving her home for the very first time, giving way to aspirations that sprout under the Bandipur forest canopy.
Viveka Tribal Centre for Learning, a residential tribal school abutting Bandipur Tiger Reserve is spread over 100 acres of land. The school has 516 students from seven indigenous tribal groups like Jenukuruba, Kadukurba, Soliga etc.

Support the education of children from indigenous tribes
Support full time residential education of children from indigenous tribal communities in H D Kote at our Viveka Tribal Centre for Learning
Through your support VTCL has
Children from indigenous tribal communities receiving equitable education
of the students are girls. Continuing education among tribal girls delay
the “marital age” from
13-14 years pushed
ahead to 18 years & beyond
of the VTCL students
completing SSLC are continuing education with 23% of the girls
pursuing STEM education