Started in 1997
3 Districts of Karnataka

Building Human &
Social Capital

Family Centric

Complementing Institution & Community based intervention
Building the human and social capital of indigenous tribal communities by improving Adolescent, Reproductive and Child Health services for Tribals and rural non Tribals
Program Objectives
Create awareness among the indigenous tribal women regarding safe reproductive and childhood practices to reduce high risk pregnancies resulting in zero maternal death.
Strengthening the monitoring and tracking system by providing technology solutions for efficient field based mother and new born care
Key Impact
Indigenous tribals access better reproductive and child health care services through complementing institutional & community based approach
Institutional delivery rate achieved in registered pregnant women in three districts of Karnataka in 2021-22
Maternal deaths achieved in 822 institutional deliveries despite 467 high risk pregnancies in 2021-22
Institutional deliveries in SVYM’s rural hospital – Vivekananda Memorial Hospital in 2021-22