Mobile Health Unit for Indigenous Tribal Population
Started in 1990
H D Kote & Saragur Taluk

Building Human &
Social Capital

Family Centric

Complementing Institution & Community based interventions
Pushing health care closer to home than hospital
Healthcare at the doorsteps | Mobile Health Unit
SVYM’s Health Community Outreach Program serves indigenous tribal communities in Heggadadevana Kote (H D Kote) and Saragur Taluks, Mysuru District in Karnataka.
The Program reaches 48 Tribal Colonies with a population of over 8000 community members.
Extending promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care services, delivered through a combination of home, community and institution-based services, a network of grassroot health workers, the Mobile Health Unit (MHU) and the NGO’s Secondary Care Hospital, in partnership with the Government Health System, together ensure continuum of care.
The Mobile Health Team provides primary health care with a focus on Reproductive and Child health, Water Sanitation & Hygiene Education, TB & HIV, NCDs and Palliative Care services. Individuals are referred to for institutional care at Vivekananda Memorial Hospital and nearby health centres for secondary and tertiary care.
Key Impact
Tribal population served in 48 tribal hamlets living in remote forest locations
Antenatal and postnatal follow ups in 2021-22
COVID-19 vaccinations administered to tribals in remote locations
Students from Govt. Ashram Schools attended 19 health camps, 343 refered for secondary care in 2021-22.
Individuals screened for TB & HIV in 2021-22
COVID Positive individuals reached through Mobile Home Care Clinics