Viveka Pre-University College(VPUC)
Started in 2016
Saragur & H D Kote

Building Human &
Social Capital

Community centric

Employ local people to
encourage ownership
To demonstrate a sustainable & affordable model of scientific & holistic education
Viveka Pre University College
The pre-university students from humble socio-economic backgrounds struggle to make crucial career deciding choices during the period of pre-university. SVYM’s Viveka Pre University College (VPUC) presents itself as an option for such students to pursue holistic and quality pre-university education in the science streams.
Complementing the SVYM’s Viveka Scholar Program (VSP), VPUC acts as a vehicle to support the academically meritorious students engaged by VSP by offering them admission. Both the programs run hand-in-hand to benefit the Pre-University students.
In 2022-23, all 64 students cleared the 2nd PU Board Exams with flying colours with 47 students (73%) passing with distinction and 17 students(27%) achieving first class.
Many students have further secured admission in Azim Premji University for various courses.