SVYM Annual Report 2021 – 22
Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM) is a development organization, engaged in building a new civil society in India through its grassroots to policy level action in Health, Education, Socio Economic Empowerment and Training & Research sectors since 1984.
SVYM has its headquarters in Mysuru district of Karnataka state in Southern India. Acting as a key promoter-facilitator in the community’s efforts towards self-reliance and empowerment, SVYM is developing local, innovative and cost-effective solutions to sustain community-driven progress. SVYM believes that building human and social capital will result in economic consequences and all of SVYM’s programs are driven by this development paradigm.
Messages from our Board Members
Founder & President
Our partners in building a resurgent India
View our success stories from 2022
Stories of resilience and hope, of standing tall with dignity, that don’t make breaking news, but in a gentle way shake the world.
Financial Highlights
Rupee Spending
Transparency in action,
disclosures & accounting procedures
Our Auditor
M/s. MSSV & Co.
2nd Floor, 63/2, Railway Parallel Road,
Kumara Park West, Bengaluru – 560 020, Karnataka, India
Legal Advisors
Sri J Purushotham
Advocate, Mysuru

SVYM’s Comprehensive COVID19 Second Wave Response Strategy
Responding to the sudden spike in COVID-19 cases in rural areas, SVYM rolled out home based care to ensure early detection, timely treatment and supportive care thereby reducing the number of cases needing tertiary care and burdening hospitals already under stress.
Health Programs 2022
Impossible is nothing! Overcoming challenges with resilience
9688 Individuals
from tribal communities served
83% TB Cure rate achieved in high risk tribal belt of H D Kote
Breaking barriers to serve pregnant women

Response to COVID-19 in rural areas through strengthened health care
Achieving zero maternal deaths in registered tribal women
83% TB Cure rate in tribal communities
9600+ Indigenous community members served with equitable and accessible health care
Sani-entrepreneurs turn adversity into an opportunity to sustain
Contributing to the National Goal of Ending AIDS by 2030
SVYM anchors Palliative Care in Dharwad to serve more
Towards a decade of healthy aging
Strengthening WASH in institutions, healthcare facilities & through skills
Education Programs 2022
Engineers of a Better Tomorrow!
Building the Human Capital through education
Getting back to the school after the Pandemic
Science Exploratory Park, VSOE, Saragur

Back to school, back to learning
Indomitable spirit to excel academically
100+ Govt Schools engaged for tech enabled learning in Karnataka
SEEP Programs 2022
Impossible is nothing! Overcoming challenges with resilience
Sustainable Development through Community Owned Solar Power
6055 Community members sensitized about the importance of hand hygiene and WASH through door to door awareness in the wake of COVID-19
Community Driven Development isn’t a distant dream

Learn locally, earn locally
Green energy in remote tribal hamlets
Janadhwani completes 10 years of celebrating community voice
Training and Research Programs 2022